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Pointed dripstone feature

The pointed_dripstone feature can be used to add pointed dripstone to the world.


The pointed_dripstone feature has the following configuration options:

Option Type Description
chance_of_taller_dripstone (optional in Json, defaults to 0.2) A float in the range \([0.0;1.0]\). Determines the chance of a dripstone being taller than 1 block.
chance_of_directional_spread (optional in Json, defaults to 0.7) A float in the range \([0.0;1.0]\). Determines the chance of a dripstone spreading horizontally.
chance_of_spread_radius2 (optional in Json, defaults to 0.5) A float in the range \([0.0;1.0]\). Determines the chance of a dripstone spreading 2 blocks away.
chance_of_spread_radius3 (optional in Json, defaults to 0.5) A float in the range \([0.0;1.0]\). Determines the chance of a dripstone spreading 3 blocks away.

In code, the PointedDripstoneConfiguration class is used to configure the feature.


Minecraft uses a simple_random_selector feature to actually place pointed dripstone. Here's one of the features used to place upwards pointing dripstone.

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val POINTED_DRIPSTONE = registerConfiguredFeature(
            0.2F, // chance_of_taller_dripstone
            0.7F, // chance_of_directional_spread
            0.5F, // chance_of_spread_radius2
            0.5F  // chance_of_spread_radius3

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val POINTED_DRIPSTONE = placedFeature("pointed_dripstone", ConfiguredFeatures.POINTED_DRIPSTONE)
        .environmentScan( // (1)!
            BlockPredicate.ONLY_IN_AIR_OR_WATER_PREDICATE, // (2)!
            12 // max_steps
        .randomVerticalOffset(1) // (3)!

  1. Searches downwards for a solid block.
  2. Only place the dripstone if the block below is air or water. The static constant is equivalent to
    BlockPredicate.matchesBlocks(Blocks.AIR, Blocks.WATER) 
  3. Makes sure to place the dripstone on top of the solid block.
  "type": "minecraft:pointed_dripstone",
  "config": {
    "chance_of_taller_dripstone": 0.2,
    "chance_of_directional_spread": 0.7,
    "chance_of_spread_radius2": 0.5,
    "chance_of_spread_radius3": 0.5

The placed feature is also located in the random selector:

  "feature": "minecraft:pointed_dripstone",
  "placement": [
      "type": "minecraft:environment_scan", // (1)!
      "allowed_search_condition": {
        "type": "minecraft:matching_blocks",
        "blocks": [
      "direction_of_search": "down",
      "max_steps": 12,
      "target_condition": {
        "type": "minecraft:solid" 
      "type": "minecraft:random_offset", // (2)!
      "xz_spread": 0,
      "y_spread": 1
  1. Searches downwards for a solid block.
  2. Makes sure to place the dripstone on top of the solid block.

