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End gateway feature

The end_gateway feature can be used to place end gateways in the world.


An end gateway feature has the following configuration options:

Option Type Description
exit (optional) A BlockPos (In Json, the BlockPos is represented via an array of coordinates. First element is the x coordinate and so on.) The exit location of the end gateway.
exact boolean Whether entities should be teleported to the exact exit location.

In code, the EndGatewayConfiguration class is used to configure the feature.


Here's the configured and placed feature for the vanilla return end gateway:

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val END_GATEWAY_RETURN = registerConfiguredFeature(
        EndGatewayConfiguration.knownExit( // (1)!
            ServerLevel.END_SPAWN_POINT, // (2)!
            true // (3)!

  1. If the exit location is still unknown during registration (for example for random teleportation), use
  2. Constant for the end spawn point at \((100|50|0)\).
  3. Entities should be teleported to the exact exit location.
@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val END_GATEWAY_RETURN = placedFeature("end_gateway_return", ConfiguredFeatures.END_GATEWAY_RETURN)
        .rarityFilter(700) // (1)!
        .inSquareSpread() // (2)!
        .moveToMotionBlocking() // (3)!
        .randomVerticalOffset(UniformInt.of(3, 9)) // (4)!
        .biomeFilter() // (5)!

  1. Give the end gateway a chance of \(^1/_{700}\) to spawn. Or in other words, the end gateway will spawn in 1 out of 700 chunks.
  2. Randomly offset the gateways in a square.
  3. Move the gateways to the surface. The call is equivalent to
  4. Randomly offset the gateways in the y direction.
  5. Only place the gateways in biomes that have end gateways
  "type": "minecraft:end_gateway",
  "config": {
    "exact": true,
    "exit": [ // (1)!
  1. The end spawn point is always at \((100|50|0)\)
  "feature": "minecraft:end_gateway_return",
  "placement": [
      "type": "minecraft:rarity_filter", // (1)!
      "chance": 700
      "type": "minecraft:in_square" // (2)!
      "type": "minecraft:heightmap", // (3)!
      "heightmap": "MOTION_BLOCKING"
      "type": "minecraft:random_offset", // (4)!
      "xz_spread": 0,
      "y_spread": {
        "type": "minecraft:uniform",
        "value": {
          "max_inclusive": 9,
          "min_inclusive": 3
      "type": "minecraft:biome" // (5)!
  1. Give the end gateway a chance of \(^1/_{700}\) to spawn. Or in other words, the end gateway will spawn in 1 out of 700 chunks.
  2. Randomly offset the gateways in a square.
  3. Move the gateways to the surface.
  4. Randomly offset the gateways in the y direction.
  5. Only place the gateways in biomes that have end gateways.

