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Codecs are Mojang's way of serializing and deserializing objects via Json and NBT. They are relevant in world generation because they are used to deserialize pretty much every aspect of datapack-supported world generation. In simpler terms, a Codec is pretty much just a Encoder and Decoder combined defining how to serialize and deserialize an object into primitive types. (1) So here's a quick overview on how to use them.

  1. Minecraft also includes a ton of other default Codecs in the ExtraCodecs class. Make sure to check it out as well!


Before getting into Codecs, we need to take a look at DataResults. A DataResult is pretty much just a fancier version of Kotlin's Result type. They either contain a value or an error. The difference is that DataResult's can contain a so called PartialResult (which often is just the input value or a partially deserialized value). Codecs can be adapted to serialize/deserialize using DataResults using the following functions:

  • Codec.comapFlatMap - Deserialize into a DataResult but serialize normally.
  • Codec.flatComapMap - Serialize into a DataResult but deserialize normally.
  • Codec.flatXmap - Serialize and deserialize into a DataResult.

Keep these functions in mind for the following examples.


Nova also has a Result<R>.asDataResult() extension function to convert Kotlin's Result into a DataResult.
So for a convenient way to safely deserialize a value and return a DataResult, you can run runCatching { /* ... */ }.asDataResult()


DynamicOps are Mojang's way of abstracting away the difference between different serialization formats. DFU includes JsonOps by default. Minecraft adds NbtOps and RegistryOps. DynamicOps are used to define the format in which primitive types are serialized and deserialized. All other types are built on top of these primitive types.

Number types implementation in JsonOps

For example, to serialize/deserialize numbers, DynamicOps defines the createNumeric and getNumberValue functions. JsonOps implements these functions like this:
public JsonElement createNumeric(Number i) {
    return new JsonPrimitive(i);

public DataResult<Number> getNumberValue(JsonElement input) {
    if (input instanceof JsonPrimitive) {
        if (input.getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
            return DataResult.success(input.getAsNumber());

        if (input.getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean()) {
            return DataResult.success(input.getAsBoolean() ? 1 : 0);

        if (this.compressed && input.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
            try {
                return DataResult.success(Integer.parseInt(input.getAsString()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException var3) {
                return DataResult.error("Not a number: " + var3 + " " + input);

    return input instanceof JsonPrimitive && input.getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean() ? DataResult.success(input.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsBoolean() ? 1 : 0) : DataResult.error("Not a number: " + input);

Codecs for simple types.

For classes that can be defined as a single type, a preexisting PrimitveCodec should be used to define the Codec for that type. A simple example would be a Codec for Minecraft's ResourceLocation. Since a ResourceLocation can be constructed from a single String, we can use the preexisting Codec.String to define our Codec.

ResourceLocation implementation used for this example

To simplify, here's a more basic implementation of ResourceLocation:

data class ResourceLocation(
    val namespace: String,
    val location: String
) {

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "$namespace:$location"

    companion object {

         * Matches any lowercase alphanumeric (and `_`) string that starts with a lowercase letter
        val PART_PATTERN = Regex("""^[a-z][a-z\d_]*$""")

         * Matches the Pattern [PART_PATTERN] twice separated by a colon
        val COMPLETE_PATTERN = Regex("""^[a-z][a-z\d_]*:[a-z][a-z\d_]*$""")

        fun read(id: String): DataResult<ResourceLocation> {
            val namespace: String
            val location: String

            if (id.matches(COMPLETE_PATTERN)) {
                val parts = id.split(':')
                namespace = parts[0]
                location = parts[1]
            } else if (id.matches(PART_PATTERN)) {
                namespace = "minecraft"
                location = id
            } else {
                return DataResult.error { "ResourceLocation \"$id\" does neither match pattern $COMPLETE_PATTERN nor $PART_PATTERN" }

            return DataResult.success(ResourceLocation(namespace, location))


val CODEC: Codec<ResourceLocation> =
    Codec.STRING // (1)!
        .comapFlatMap(ResourceLocation::read, ResourceLocation::toString) // (2)!
        .stable() // (3)!
  1. As mentioned above, we can use the preexisting Codec.String to define our Codec since we only need a single string to parse the ResourceLocation.
  2. We use comapFlatMap to deserialize into a DataResult and serialize normally (Calling toString shouldn't fail).
    Also use read to deserialize the ResourceLocation from the provided String.
  3. Specify that the Codec is stable.

So in other words, we're now just telling the serializer how to serialize and deserialize our ResourceLocation type to/from a String.

Codecs for more nested types

In the previous example, we just mapped a preexisting Codec to our type. But what if we want to define a Codec for a more complex type with multiple fields? For this, we can use RecordCodecBuilder to define a Codec for our type. Here's the data class we want to define a Codec for:

data class Example(
    val id: ResourceLocation,
    val ints: List<Int>,
    val defaultString: String

So let's break this type down into its parts. We can see that Example has three fields: id, ints and defaultString.


id is a ResourceLocation which we already know how to serialize/deserialize. So we can just use our previously defined Codec` again:

ResourceLocation.CODEC // (1)!
    .fieldOf("id") // (2)!
    .forGetter(Example::id) // (3)!
  1. Use the previously defined Codec for ResourceLocation.
  2. Specify the name of the field in the serialized format.
  3. Specify how to get the value of the field from the Example instance.

ints is a List<Int> which is just a list of the primitive type Int. So we can just call Codec.INT.listOf() to define a Codec for List<Int>:

Codec.INT.listOf() // (1)!
    .fieldOf("ints") // (2)!
    .forGetter(Example::ints) // (3)!
  1. Use the listOf function on Codec.INT to define a Codec for List<Int>.
  2. Specify the name of the field in the serialized format.
  3. Specify how to get the value of the field from the Example instance.

defaultString is a String which is a primitive type. But we want to make it optional with a default value of "default". So we can use Codec.STRING.optionalFieldOf to define a Codec for String with a default value:

Codec.STRING // (1)!
    .optionalFieldOf("defaultString", "default") // (2)!
    .forGetter(Example::defaultString) // (3)!
  1. Use the existing Codec.STRING for String.
  2. Specify the name of the field in the serialized format and the default value.
    To specifiy a default-value for a non MapCodec use Codec.String.orElse("default").
  3. Specify how to get the value of the field from the Example instance.

Putting all these together, we can now define a Codec for our Example type:

val CODEC: Codec<Example> = RecordCodecBuilder.create { instance ->
              .optionalFieldOf("defaultString", "default")
   ).apply(instance, ::Example)
  1. List all the fields of the Example type.
  2. Apply the fields to the RecordCodecBuilder instance and use the ::Example constructor reference to specify how to construct an Example instance from the defined fields.

So let's test it out by serializing and deserializing an Example instance:

val testId = ResourceLocation("minecraft", "stone")
val test = Example(testId, listOf(1, 2, 3), "hello")

Using our Codec and JsonOps:

  "id": "minecraft:stone",
  "ints": [1, 2, 3],
  "defaultString": "hello"

And now let's deserialize the same json, but without the defaultString field. And the result is:

Example(id=minecraft:stone, ints=[1, 2, 3], defaultString=default)

Registry Codecs

Minecraft/Nova registries

If you want to retrieve an instance of a type that is registered in one of Minecraft's/Nova's registries, you can use the Registry.byNameCodec function. This will automatically build a Codec that will serialize/deserialize a ResourceLocation and then use that ResourceLocation to retrieve the instance from the Registry. (holderByNameCodec also exists if you need a Holder instead of an instance).

If you also want to allow the Codec to serialize/deserialize inline, you can use the RegistryFileCodec class. For example, the ConfiguredFeature class has both a DIRECT_CODEC, which only deserializes inline and a CODEC, which also checks the Registry if the deserialized type is a ResourceLocation:

public static final Codec<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> DIRECT_CODEC = BuiltInRegistries.FEATURE.byNameCodec().dispatch((config) -> { // (1)!
    return config.feature;
}, Feature::configuredCodec);

public static final Codec<Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>>> CODEC = RegistryFileCodec.create(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, DIRECT_CODEC);
  1. Checks the individual ConfiguredFeature Codecs of each Feature.

Custom registry-like types

If you want to define a Codec for a custom type that is registered in a custom registry-like type, you can use the ExtraCodecs.stringResolverCodec and ExtraCodecs.idResolverCodec functions. These functions take 2 mapping Functions as parameters: one for element to id and one for id to element (since primitives aren't nullable in Java, the idResolverCodec function also takes a int that represent the id of non-existing elements).

For example, let's say we have a custom Registry that maps String to a generic T:

class SimpleRegistry<T : Any> {

    private val byId: MutableMap<String, T> = mutableMapOf()
    private val byValue: MutableMap<T, String> = mutableMapOf()

    fun register(id: String, value: T) {
        byId[id] = value
        byValue[value] = id


We can define a codec function:

fun codec(): Codec<T> {
    return ExtraCodecs.stringResolverCodec(byValue::get, byId::get)


Minecraft also provides a built-in way of serializing/deserializing enums. Just implement the StringRepresentable interface and implement the getSerializedName function:

enum class ExampleEnum: StringRepresentable {
    A, B, C;

    override fun getSerializedName() =

    companion object {
        val VALUES = values()

Now we can call StringRepresentable.fromEnum to get a Codec for our enum:

companion object {
    val VALUES = values()

    val CODEC = StringRepresentable.fromEnum(::VALUES)

More utilities


This section isn't required to properly use Codecs, but it contains a lot of useful utilities that might save you some time in the future.


If your Codec should be able to serialize/deserialize 2 different types, you can use the Codec.either function (or EitherCodec class) to define a Codec that can serialize/deserialize both types. One common use case is accepting both a ResourceLocation and a TagKey:

Already built into Nova

Nova already provides a ResourceLocationOrTagKey class that wraps an Either<ResourceLocation, TagKey<T>> and provides a Codec via the codec function.

val CODEC: Codec<Either<ResourceLocation, TagKey<Biome>>> = Codec.either(

If you only want to allow one of the types (sometimes both types could be deserialized and lead to confusion), you can use the ExtraCodecs.xor function:

val CODEC: Codec<Either<ResourceLocation, TagKey<Biome>>> = ExtraCodecs.xor( // (1)!
  1. Please note that this is redundant here since TagKey needs to start with # and ResourceLocation can't start with #. But it can be useful for other types.

Number codecs within a range

If you want to serialize/deserialize a number but only within a certain range, you can use the Codec.intRange, Codec.floatRange and Codec.doubleRange functions:

val CHANCE_CODEC: Codec<Float> = Codec.floatRange(0.0f, 1.0f)

Pair like types

Some types might usually need a RecordCodecBuilder to be serialized/deserialized, but if they only have 2 fields of the same type, you can use the ExtraCodecs.intervalCodec function:

IntRange Codec
val INT_RANGE_CODEC: Codec<IntRange> = ExtraCodecs.intervalCodec(
    { min, max -> runCatching { IntRange(min, max) }.asDataResult() },

Catching Exceptions

If you don't want to deal with DataResults while decoding and just want to throw exceptions instead, you can wrap your Codec via the ExtraCodecs.catchDecoderException function:

val CODEC: Codec<Example> = ExtraCodecs.catchDecoderException(Example.CODEC)

this will catch any Exceptions thrown while decoding and turn them into DataResult errors.