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Generally, a region is an area between a min and a max Location.

val region = Region(min, max)

The Region companion object provides several utility functions for creating regions, such as:

  • Region.surrounding(pos, radius)
  • Region.inFrontOf(tileEntity, ...)
  • and more


To display the outline of this region with particles, you can use the VisualRegion object:

// to show the region:
VisualRegion.showRegion(player, regionUUID, region)
// to hide the region
VisualRegion.hideRegion(player, regionUUID)
// to toggle on / off
VisualRegion.toggleView(player, regionUUID, region)

If you want a "Visualize Region" button in your GUI, you can use the VisualRegionItem:

VisualizeRegionItem(player, regionUuid) { region }

Dynamic Region

A DynamicRegion is a type of region intended for use in tile-entities: Using a MutableProvider<Int> for the size, the region can be dynamically resized. It provides several gui-components to inspect, modify, and visualize the region.

Using TileEntity#storedRegion, we can create a DynamicRegion:

class ExampleTileEntity(pos: BlockPos, blockState: NovaBlockState, data: Compound) : TileEntity(pos, blockState, data) {

    private val region = storedRegion(
        minSize = provider(1), // (1)!
        maxSize = provider(10), // (2)!
        defaultSize = 5, // (3)!
        createRegion = { size -> Region.surrounding(pos, size) } // (4)!

    inner class ExampleTileEntityMenu(player: Player) : IndividualTileEntityMenu(player) {

        override val gui = Gui.normal()
                "v # # # # # # # #",
                "# # + # d # - # #",
                "# # # # # # # # #")
            .addIngredient('+', region.increaseSizeItem)
            .addIngredient('-', region.decreaseSizeItem)
            .addIngredient('d', region.displaySizeItem)
            .addIngredient('v', region.createVisualizeRegionItem(player))


  1. The minimum size of the region.
  2. The maximum size of the region.
  3. The default size of the region when it is created. After that, the size can be changed and changes will be saved.
  4. A lambda that creates the desired region based on the configured size. This is invoked every time the size is changed.