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TileEntity Menu

Check out the InvUI wiki

If you're not familiar with the InvUI library, you'll have trouble understanding the following guide. You can check out the wiki here. Nova registers some default ingredients which can be used in the Gui Builder. You can check out the default ingredients here. Don't register your own global ingredients!

Creating a TileEntityMenu

If you want your TileEntity to have a GUI, you'll have to create a TileEntityMenu class. You can do this by inheriting from either GlobalTileEntityMenu or IndividiualTileEntityMenu. The difference between the two is that the GlobalTileEntityMenu will only have one instance per tile-entity, while the IndividualTileEntityMenu will have one instance per player.

To mark your menu class as a TileEntity menu, you'll have to annotate it with the @TileEntityMenuClass annotation. Nova will automatically instantiate your menu class when needed. (Note that your NovaBlock will require the TileEntityInteractive behavior to open the GUI.)

Example GUIs

private inner class SolarPanelMenu : GlobalTileEntityMenu() {

    override val gui = Gui.normal()
            "1 - - - - - - - 2",
            "| u # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "3 - - - - - - - 4")
        .addIngredient('u', OpenUpgradesItem(upgradeHolder))
        .addIngredient('e', EnergyBar(3, energyHolder)) // (1)!

  1. The energyHolder will be explained in an upcoming section.

For most cases, this is the menu class you'll want to extend.

private inner class VacuumChestMenu(player: Player) : IndividualTileEntityMenu(player) {

    override val gui = Gui.normal()
            "1 - - - - - - - 2",
            "| s u # i i i p |",
            "| r # # i i i d |",
            "| f # # i i i m |",
            "3 - - - - - - - 4")
        /* ... */
        .addIngredient('r', region.createVisualizeRegionItem(player)) // (1)!
        /* ... */

  1. This is what we need the Player instance for. The visualize region button can be toggled by every player individually, which is why we need different Gui instances for each player.

    If you're intrested in the region field, you can check out the Region section.

Gui Textures

If you want to use a GuiTexture, simply pass it to the GlobalTileEntityMenu / IndividualTileEntityMenu constructor.