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Tile Entity Networks - Introduction


The following diagram is intended to give a quick overview on how Nova's network system works.
For more detailed information, check out the KDocs.

  note for NetworkCluster "A collection of networks that\nshare at least one NetworkNode."
  class NetworkCluster

  note for NetworkGroup "A subset of a network cluster,\ngrouped by network type."
  class NetworkGroup {

  note for Network "A collection of network nodes\nthat are connected to each other."
  class Network {

  class NetworkNode {

  class NetworkEndPoint {

  note for NetworkBridge "Cables / Pipes / etc."
  class NetworkBridge {

  note for EndPointDataHolder "Holds data for a specific\nnetwork type."
  class EndPointDataHolder {

  NetworkCluster o-- NetworkGroup : contains
  NetworkGroup o-- Network : contains
  Network o-- NetworkNode : contains
  NetworkNode <|-- NetworkEndPoint : implements
  NetworkNode <|-- NetworkBridge : implements
  NetworkEndPoint *-- EndPointDataHolder : contains

In most cases, you won't need to worry about the network system and will just inherit from NetworkedTileEntity to make your tile-entity network compatible.

Visualization: Networks vs. Network Clusters

(Item-)Networks /nova debug showNetwork nova:item:
The particles visualize what network a block belongs to. As you can see, each cable section is a different network and every chest is part of two networks.

Network Clusters /nova debug showNetworkClusters:
The particles visualize what network cluster a block belongs to. Since the four left networks all share chests, and the four right networks all share chests, there are only two network clusters.

Network Tick

Most of the tick logic of networks is run in parallel with networks from other clusters:

graph TD
    A[Server Tick] --> B[Sync Network Tick\nNetwork preparation logic that accesses world state and thus cannot be run in parallel]
    B --> C1[Cluster 1 Tick]
    B --> C2[Cluster 2 Tick]
    B --> CN[Cluster ... Tick]
    C1 --> D[Sync Network Tick\nNetwork post-tick logic that accesses world state and thus cannot be run in parallel]
    C2 --> D
    CN --> D
    D --> E[Server Tick]
subgraph Parallel
    direction LR

Because network tick logic is run in parallel, it is imperative that networks do not modify the world state (apart from the data stored in the NetworkNodes themselves), which also requires update handlers (for example for inventories or fluid containers) to behave in the same way.

Default network types

By default, Nova ships with 3 network types: nova:energy, nova:item and nova:fluid.

Id EndPointDataHolder type Description
nova:energy EnergyHolder Distributes energy between end points.
nova:item ItemHolder Distributes items between end points.
nova:fluid FluidHolder Distributes fluids between end points.

(Un-)registering NetworkNodes

To register/unregister NetworkNodes, queue a network task using NetworkManager:

NetworkManager.queueAddEndPoint(endPoint) // registers an end point
NetworkManager.queueAddBridge(bridge, supportedNetworkTypes) // registers a bridge

NetworkManager.queueRemoveEndPoint(endPoint) // unregisters an end point
NetworkManager.queueRemoveBridge(bridge) // unregisters a bridge

You'll need to add NetworkNodes after they've been placed and also remove them when they're destroyed. You don't need to add/remove on chunk (un-)load.

If you're using NetworkedTileEntity, this will be done for you.

Interacting with NetworkState (advanced)

To interact with any network-related data (for example connectionConfig of ItemHolder), you need to queue a network task using NetworkManager to prevent concurrency issues.
Here, you'll also obtain an instance of NetworkState, which gives you access to all network-related data of the given chunk's world. For more information, check out the KDocs.

NetworkManager.queueRead(chunkPos) { state: NetworkState ->
    // code that only reads from state

NetworkManager.queueWrite(chunkPos) { state: NetworkState ->
    // code that writes to state

NetworkManager.queue(chunkPos) { state: NetworkState ->
    var hasWritten = false
    // code that may write to state
    return@queue hasWritten

After a network task that writes to the state was executed, dirty networks will be rebuilt.