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Item Behaviors

In Nova, item logic is implemented via ItemBehaviors. There are some default behaviors available, but you can also create your own custom behaviors.

Default Item Behaviors

For a list of all available default item behaviors, refer to the KDocs.

Custom Item Behaviors

You can create a custom item behavior by implementing the ItemBehavior interface.

There, you'll be able to override baseDataComponents, which are the default data components of NovaItems with that behavior.

Alternatively, you can also override defaultPatch, which is the default component patch that will be present on all item stacks of NovaItems with that behavior.

Vanilla material properties

Some functionality can not yet be achieved by using data components, as it is still bound to the vanilla item type. As such, you can specify VanillaMaterialProperties which will change the client-side item type.

Client-side item stack

To modify the client-side item, you can override modifyClientSideStack. The data of the client-side stack will not be stored in the world and is only intended for display purposes. Furthermore, the components of the client-side stack will not affect the tooltip, e.g. adding the DAMAGE component will not cause the damage value to be shown in the advanced tooltip. (Assuming advanced tooltips are handled by Nova via /nova advancedTooltips).

ItemBehaviorHolder and ItemBehaviorFactory

ItemBehaviorHolder is a sealed interface with two implementations: ItemBehavior and ItemBehaviorFactory, where ItemBehaviorFactory creates ItemBehavior instances based on a NovaItem instance. This allows you to create factories for your ItemBehaviors that read from the item's config file.

Example custom ItemBehavior with ItemBehaviorFactory
class MyBehavior(value: Provider<Int>) : ItemBehavior {

   private val value by value // (1)!

   companion object : ItemBehaviorFactory<MyBehavior> {

      override fun create(item: NovaItem): MyBehavior {
         return MyBehavior(item.config.entry<Int>("value"))


  1. Delegating to the obtained provider makes this property config-reloadable without any additional code.

Now, you could, for example, assign the same ItemBehaviorFactory to multiple items, while still accessing different configs.

@Init(stage = InitStage.PRE_PACK) // (1)!
object Items : ItemRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val EXAMPLE_ITEM_1 = registerItem("example_1", MyBehavior) // configs/example_1.yml
    val EXAMPLE_ITEM_2 = registerItem("example_2", MyBehavior) // configs/example_2.yml
    val EXAMPLE_ITEM_3 = registerItem("example_3", MyBehavior) // configs/example_3.yml

  1. Nova will load this class during addon initialization, causing the item fields to be initialized and your items to be registered.

Item Data

Data for Nova's ItemStacks can be stored in a NamespacedCompound, which serializes data using CBF.
You can retrieve the NamespacedCompound of an ItemStack by calling ItemStack.novaCompound. After updating it, you'll need to write it back to the ItemStack.

Alternatively, you can also read and write data using ItemStack.storeData and ItemStack.retrieveData, which access the NamespacedCompound for you.

NovaItems can also have default data stored in their NamespacedCompound, which can be applied using the defaultCompound property in a custom ItemBehavior.

Of course, you can also use Bukkit's persistent data container for data storage.