Usage of Contexts in Nova
Contexts are currently only used for block-related events, but it is planned to expand them to other aspects in the future.
A Context
, at its core, is a simple key-value storage for (ContextParamType<T>, T)
pairs and
a ContextIntention
, which defines the allowed parameters.
You can find a list of default context intentions here.
You can find a list of default context param types here.
The documentation also notes which types are parameter types are required for which ContextIntention
and which are optional.
The context system can also infer parameters from other parameters, for example, you don't need to provide a
parameter if you provide a BLOCK_POS
parameter, and you can still read BLOCK_WORLD
from the context.
Which parameters are inferred from other parameters is also noted in the context param type documentation.
Creating and using a Context
And this is how you create and use a Context
// create a context to place EXAMPLE_BLOCK at pos
val context = Context.intention(DefaultContextIntentions.BlockPlace)
.param(DefaultContextParamTypes.BLOCK_POS, pos)
.param(DefaultContextParamTypes.BLOCK_TYPE_NOVA, Blocks.EXAMPLE_BLOCK)
// read BLOCK_WORLD from context, which is inferred from BLOCK_POS
val world: World = context.getOrThrow(DefaultContextParamTypes.BLOCK_WORLD)
// place block
Custom ContextParamType
In the example below I've created a custom ContextParamType
that can be used in the
, BlockBreak
, BlockInteract
default intentions. It represents the name of the target block
and is autofilled through either the BLOCK_TYPE_NOVA
val BLOCK_NAME: ContextParamType<Component> =
ContextParamType.builder<Component>(Machines, "block_name")
.optionalIn(BlockPlace, BlockBreak, BlockInteract)
.autofilledBy(DefaultContextParamTypes::BLOCK_TYPE_NOVA) { type: NovaBlock -> }
.autofilledBy(DefaultContextParamTypes::BLOCK_TYPE_VANILLA) { type: Material -> Component.translatable(type.blockTranslationKey!!) }