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Block Behaviors

Similar to ItemBehaviors, you can implement block logic via BlockBehavior.

@Init(stage = InitStage.PRE_PACK)
object Blocks : BlockRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

   val EXAMPLE_BLOCK = block("example_block") {


Default block behaviors

Default block behaviors

Allows the block to be broken in survival mode and is used to configure block-breaking related settings such as hardness, required tool type, etc.

private val STONE_LIKE = Breakable(
    hardness = 3.0, // (1)!
    toolCategory = VanillaToolCategories.PICKAXE, // (2)!
    toolTier = VanillaToolTiers.STONE, // (3)!
    requiresToolForDrops = true, // (4)!
    brerakParticles = Material.STONE // (5)!
  1. Determines how long it takes to break the block. This value currently doesn't affect explosions.
  2. The tool category that is suitable to break this block. There are also other constructors available that allow you to specify multiple or no tool categories.
  3. The minimum ToolTier that is required to properly break this block (Like diamond for obsidian). Optional.
  4. Whether the correct tool is required for drops.
  5. The break particles that spawn when the block is broken. This is only relevant for entity-backed blocks.

Adds sounds to your block. (Place / Break / Step / Hit / Fall)

Implements the default block drop logic that creates an ItemStack of the corresponding NovaItem when broken. If your block is a tile-entity, use TileEntityDrops instead.

A behavior for tile-entities that delegates the drop logic to TileEntity.getDrops.

A behavior for tile-entities that delegates interactions to TileEntity.handleRightClick.

A behavior for tile-entities that enables tile-entity limits.

Allows filling and emptying fluid containers of tile-entities that are networked and have a fluid holder with buckets.

Custom Block Behavior

To create a custom block behavior, you just need to implement the BlockBehavior interface and override the desired event methods.

Random ticks

To receive random ticks in your block behavior, make sure to also override BlockBehavior.ticksRandomly which is used to define what block states can receive random ticks.

Every tick, every chunk section (16x16x16 blocks) will have random-tick-speed blocks chosen randomly to receive a random tick.